


Folksongs Blog

"Dixon & Johnson"

As recorded by Ms. Mary Drain

9 Dec 1941

Farmington, AR
In the following text, the burden is indicated in italics in the first stanza.
The form of each individual chorus is a-a-b-1, where a is the first line of the couplet, b is the second, and 1 is the burden.

Dixon and Johnson went riding out one day
Dixon and Johnson went riding out one day
They rode up on a mountain ten thousand miles away
Oh Lord I've been all around this world

They rode up on a woman as cold or cold or more
He wrapped her up in his coat and set her up behind him

Dixon being wearied lied down to (take a) rest
Up stepped his pretty little woman and stabbed him in the breast

She taken him to her parlor and cooled him with her fan
She whispered low in her mother's ear I love this gamblin man

Oh woman oh woman now see what you have done
You've killed your bravest soldier and libel to be hung

They taken her out on the mountain and told her not to run
All they gave to her was a pistol and a gun

Railroad is finished the cars are on the track
Trouble will drive a boy from home but money will bring him back