I feel like I’ve really embarked now on my follacious project to typologize discontinuous syntactic constituents. I’ve got my pile of books and papers on discontinuity and language universals sitting on my table, with representatives scattered about the house for good measure. In a way I wish that I could devote more time to this project and not have other classes intervening, but in another way it is good to have other linguistic pursuits and keep my feet on some kind of theoretical and methodological ground. Learning Latin is also nicely mathematical, and a good activity to keep my thoughts relatively close to normalacy. I want to read some American history as well — specifically correspondences or other writings by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. I believe a PBS documentary has ignited this interest in me, but whith’rever it came, here it is, and it seems like a good thing for an American to know. Likewise the works of Mark Twain I feel would be good to get under my belt. I want that my life won’t get too focused here, and that I can grow fast as a PhD student should, but also broadly as I believe I am capable of.