I took a nice walk today and thoght I could start things off here by posting pictures of said walk. I live in a normally old neighborhood (but a goodun) in El Cerrito, CA. It's an old trolley car suburb from the earlier part of the 20th century, apparently. For those who enjoy the histories of amusing little towns, there's a little collection of El Cerrito history narratives here.

The California poppies are beginning to bloom here, which is always nice to see.

And a phenomenon I've never seen so much of before -- oxalis everywhere! They're in practically every garden. Nice purdy little flowers.

And now we come to Hillside Natural Area. It's a fairly extensive tract of land -- 80 acres of eucalyptus groves and oak groves, interspersed with open grassy areas. It's all rather steep, which makes for good exercise and excellent views.

There's the Golden Gate, for instance. We live in the residential bit in the foreground. You can see our place if you know what you're looking for.

And there's Mt. Tamalpais, with Richmond in the foreground. Notice also the fuzzy thistle thing on the bottom right.

Here's a closeup of another one. Those blooms are fist-sized! Very impressive.

And speaking of impressive, here's an old granddaddy of a eucalyptus. He's been around the block. Or he would have if trees could walk. And if he lived on a block. He hasn't been around the block, but he might have been, and things would have been different then, that's for sure. Right little lily thing?

You betcha.
Well we've descended into madness here, and it's just about time to wrap things up.

So there's the end of my walk -- home sweet home.
Soon perhaps I'll post about the various goings-on inside this home of ours, perhaps including a chronicle of the restoration of my very own Remington Model 1 typewriter. Or perhaps a character study of my strange and loud cat. So many bloggy possibilities! I know you can't wait.
In the mean time, have an excellent day. In fact, have an excellent series of days, for knowing me I will not be posting often.