Excellently productive day? I think so! Though I didn’t do any reading, and a day without reading is never a great idea. What I did get done was some prep for section, and the approval of a prompt for both my neuroscience class, and my typology class. In fact, my typology professor had some really good ideas about what direction to take my paper, and thus I’ve even sort of gotten an outline put together for that one! I’m hoping sections go well tomorrow. I have to hand back the midterms, and my Wednedsay section did particularly poorly. We’re also moving into real “discussion” territory, and these guys also aren’t too participatory when I’d like them to be. So we’ll see how well I can manage to swing chattiness. I’ve also been scheduled for my fMRI safety training tomorrow, so I can officially operate the magnet!
In non-school triumphs, yesterday we did our tri-weekly co-op trip, so there is actually food in the house today. I had a smoothie and toast this morning, which is hands down my favorite (regular) breakfast. I also made it to the gym, which is good since I skipped yoga in favor of food shopping yesterday. I really need to get to yoga on Thursday, I miss it. I was pretty stressed out pre-gym, and I’m happy to say that working out calmed me down. Also, I came home and cleaned our room (which was a complete disaster) so I’m feeling pretty accomplished! Here’s to hoping I can keep up this level of optimism for the rest of the week.