Triumphantly Exhausted Boo
Today was a very entertaining day!
It was supposed to be the first day of our graduate student orientation stuff, but Lewis and I got a bit of a late start and decided to skip the non-mandatory first session this morning. We did go to campus anyway though, to check out the bookstore and see if we could figure out what books we need. The bookstore was in a bit of chaos with student workers still running around and putting everything up on the shelves, but we did manage to at least see what our required books were. Took some photos of the ISBN numbers on my phone so we could go home and see if the interwebs could work any magic for us.
We were pretty famished by then as it was already after lunch time, and we still had a trip to Ace in our future, so we took ourselves to Sams to get our schwarma on. I do love Sams. Anyway, thereafter to Ace to pick up some stuff like gloves for the garden and a lightbulb we couldn’t find elsewhere. Luck on all fronts!
Ace also has a nice selection of ornamental grasses, which is what we’re thinking we want to put in the front yard in lieu of palm tree. Lewis has this wonderful vision in mind of a little pebbled path with grasses and a little bench to hang out on. Not sure how we’re going to achieve said thing, but we at least find a grasses-supplier which is better than I thought we might do. Ace also has bulbs out and ready for spring planting! I was just reading that we should be planting our daffodils and tulips soon, and voila, Ace has bulbs for like 10 different sorts of daffodil, and some nice looking iris and crocus as well. We’re about to go bulb-hog wild.

Those cheeky clouds.
Rest of the day was pretty lazy. I threw together a preliminary budget, while Lewis did a little gardening in the front yard. Boo escaped out the front door while I was walking in and out, and we decided it was maybe time to graduate the little guy to ourdoor privilages. I watched him pretty nervously for the first while until he eventually scared himself back indoors. He seemed pretty tuckered out after such big adventuring, and he pretty much slept the rest of the afternoon (see figure above).
Lewis and I took a late afternoon jaunt to the local park to investigate the screamy soccer noises we were hearing, and spent a while looking at clouds and talking about silly coveted childhood toys. I’m really tempted to troll ebay looking for Micro Machines now! Boy, those things were pretty fantastic. We also identified several excellent looking clouds. The picture on the left is one that looked like a big hand, so Lewis is giving it a high-five. I promise it looked more like a hand in real life.
Polished off the day with delicious stir fry noodles, finally getting around to watching La Dolce Vida, and drinking one of our donated bottles of red wine left from the housewarming party. All in all, a wonderful movie, and the perfect cap to a fantastic day!
September 16th, 2008 | Tags: boo, bookstore, gardening, movie | Category: home, life | Comments Off