The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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Posts tagged dialog


Boy, I’ve had one of those fantastically productive days.  I blame this all on Lewis having made grapefruit juice this morning.  Mmm, grapefruit juice.

Anyway, I’m really not feeling like I can excrete some sort of erudite epistle tonight, so instead let me yammer on about the few things I really did do.  First of all, I went to Quechua class, wherein I sang songs, appropriately replied to prompts, and forged an inane dialogue with my convo partner, Michiq.  It goes like this:

Me:  Allillanchu kashanki?
Michiq:  Allillanmi.  Imata yachashanki?
Me:  Noqa qheswata yachashani.
Michiq:  Kusa!   Maypin Mariya kashan?
Me:  Pay wasipi kashan.
Michiq:  Pay imaynan kashan?
Me:  Pay allinmi kashan.
Michiq:  Kusa!  Tupananchiskama!
Me:  Tupananchiskama!

Boy, that was pretty entertaining, no?  Oh… no?  Oh well!  I’ve got to perform it next week, and it is not to be missed.  What if in the intervening time I decide *not* to study Quechua (manan qheswata yachashani!), or Maria becomes unwell?  (*cliffhanging organ music*)

Today got started on a great note.  First thing this morning, I heard back from my undergrad thesis advisor, Todd!  Todd is great.  And he was ready and able to send out a duplicate copy of his letter of rec from last year, and thus complete the letter-of-rec-trifecta I needed to get my fellowship application in.  I can’t believe I went from zero to finished on the fellowship application in a mere two days.  I’m going to procrastinate this long every year.  Or not.

Well, maybe finishing that application was really all I did today, but it felt momentus!  Oh wait, I did go to the Co-op and buy ice cream and other comestables.  That’s pretty zang.  I’m really looking forward to some sort of grapefruit blueberry nectarine and who knows what kind of smoothie / juice experience tomorrow morning.  Every day should be as good as this day.

Did I mention I watched two hours of Law & Order, and had a quesadilla?  Well I did!