The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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Posts tagged coop


Boy, I’ve had one of those fantastically productive days.  I blame this all on Lewis having made grapefruit juice this morning.  Mmm, grapefruit juice.

Anyway, I’m really not feeling like I can excrete some sort of erudite epistle tonight, so instead let me yammer on about the few things I really did do.  First of all, I went to Quechua class, wherein I sang songs, appropriately replied to prompts, and forged an inane dialogue with my convo partner, Michiq.  It goes like this:

Me:  Allillanchu kashanki?
Michiq:  Allillanmi.  Imata yachashanki?
Me:  Noqa qheswata yachashani.
Michiq:  Kusa!   Maypin Mariya kashan?
Me:  Pay wasipi kashan.
Michiq:  Pay imaynan kashan?
Me:  Pay allinmi kashan.
Michiq:  Kusa!  Tupananchiskama!
Me:  Tupananchiskama!

Boy, that was pretty entertaining, no?  Oh… no?  Oh well!  I’ve got to perform it next week, and it is not to be missed.  What if in the intervening time I decide *not* to study Quechua (manan qheswata yachashani!), or Maria becomes unwell?  (*cliffhanging organ music*)

Today got started on a great note.  First thing this morning, I heard back from my undergrad thesis advisor, Todd!  Todd is great.  And he was ready and able to send out a duplicate copy of his letter of rec from last year, and thus complete the letter-of-rec-trifecta I needed to get my fellowship application in.  I can’t believe I went from zero to finished on the fellowship application in a mere two days.  I’m going to procrastinate this long every year.  Or not.

Well, maybe finishing that application was really all I did today, but it felt momentus!  Oh wait, I did go to the Co-op and buy ice cream and other comestables.  That’s pretty zang.  I’m really looking forward to some sort of grapefruit blueberry nectarine and who knows what kind of smoothie / juice experience tomorrow morning.  Every day should be as good as this day.

Did I mention I watched two hours of Law & Order, and had a quesadilla?  Well I did!

Home for the Everydays

Finals week, you beast!

It’s been a very eventful day, though considering my huge petering out this evening I don’t know if I can call it that successful.  I woke up all bleery-eyed and feeling completely exhausted, no doubt from the emotional (and stupidly, physical) exhaustion from proctoring the Lin 1 final.  I really could not get moving this morning.  Luckily Lewis needed to go to campus, and also needed to get his bike fixed, so when he got up we both whisked ourselves to campus and got some breakfast and got some bike turned in for tune-up-age.   I, too, need to get my biked tuned up at some point.

I got a fair amount of work done in my office this afternoon, punctuated by short lovely winter walks to move the car.  Picked up some groceries at the co-op on the way home, made a delicious quesadilla dinner, and got some, but not a lot, more work done.  I’m half done with my last paper, though I was hoping to be more like 3/4th done with it by tonight so I could have ample time to edit and revise tomorrow without being too exhausted from writing it.  I’m not sure that will happen, but it’s not due till noon on Friday, so I may still be able to get up early and work on it Friday morning.  You never know.

What I do know is that I’ve been doing sudoku and paying bills instead of working on my paper for the last hour or two, and I’m exhausted and only getting progressively more retarded.  And that’s the exact moment you know it’s time to go to bed and hope you wake up raring to go on what you have left.  The pull of winter break is strong… and I’m very much ready to just throw it all to the wind and Christmas shop like the dickens!  Turns out I only have two weeks till Christmas.  I have a whole heck of a lot of cheer to try and cram into just two weeks.  I haven’t even listening to Christmas music all day.  Sigh!  The things I sacrifice for graduate school.

Cordless Wireless Thoughtless Something

I want to get my wireless keyboard fully functioning in the ol’ Linux.  This is apparently troublesome.  Something about USB, blah-blah whatever.  I got pretty close tonight, but I should really know better than to start futzing around with Linux stuff right before bedtime.  When I’m supposed to be reading a paper anyway!

Today was pretty bonus, as Lewis would say.  Got up early enough to do a little library research this morning from the comfort of my own desk.  (Non-non-heinous side note, saw a rat jump out of our grape vine from own-desk-adjacent window… eech.)  Got to campus with enough time to have lunch with my sweetie, then bust over to class.  Class was pretty good, though it’s a little freaky learning syntax in a non-binary branching way.  Lewis and I talked it over a bit this afternoon though, and I think the kids will be more into it this way.  Hit up the co-op on our way home (I love you, co-op!) where we ran into our next door neighbor who very nicely offered to drive some of our copious groceries home.  Managed to fit all our business in our own bike bags though, and came home with quite a bounty.  I like the bi-weekly mondo shopping trip, even if it’s rather expensive.  Takes a bit of money to feed two point five mouths, I guess.

Oo.. also called my grandmother – it’s her 75th birthday!  Yay!  Talked to her on the phone a bit, which was very nice.  Don’t know why I don’t call my grandmother, but I suspect none of us grandkids do… she’s very lovable but with a gruff demeanor that sometimes makes you feel like she’s got nothing to say to you.  That sounds more callous than I intend it, but these subtle family relations are hard to explain.  I think my grandma is a little lonely, and very much used to being someone… inconsequential.   She sounded so surprised that so many people would be calling her on her important birthday.  Like a whistle-stop town getting a presidential visit.  She’s very dear.

I’m not sure whose idea it was to put the cat box in the office (sadly, probably mine) but given the state of air quality in here at the moment, I think I had better go to bed instead of blathering on any longer.  Yuck.

… the tags on this post are delightful.