Another day like the last, which isn’t much to complain about, except that I acquired a case of ennui. These things happen.
The morning was pretty triumphant. I lept out of bed and into the kitchen and made Lewis some tasty waffles for breakfast. I think waffles are pretty decent, but something about these mornings I don’t start off with a fruit smoothie makes it seem like my afternoon drags a bit. I wonder how much of that is psychological and how much of that is nutritional. One would assume a breakfast of yogurt and fruit is probably more energy-inducing than a breakfast of sugar and carbohydrates, even though latter breakfast comes with tea. This didn’t stop me from at least getting our shower head switcharoo executed, at least, but that was about the last useful thing I feel like I got done.

This pile isn't very picturesque, but I'm proud!
Lewis did manage to rouse me for a bit more garden work, so we did succeed in digging up the whole herb garden plot. The soil there is really rich and nutritious, but so compact it was nearly cement. I was fairly well exhausted by the time I was done with the pitchfork portion of the job. Spent my requisite outdoor time this afternoon having lunch and watching the Boo fail to hunt a butterfly. That was actually fairly sad; I think he may have smooshed it but not killed it, so it was fluttering around our lawn seemingly unbothered but grounded. Ridiculous cat. He also had his first neighbors-yard adventures today after jumping up to the top of our fence. He didn’t seem to care much about about the yards, but I think he’s rather keen on the Boo-highway that the fence boards provide.
Took a journey out of doors to try and find a bar stool like item to use as a work chair for my envisioned garage work space. I’d like to set up lots of stuff out there, so I can do messy craft things at my leisure. I’m not sure what these messy craft things are, but I do know that I need a work area to do them on! I’ve already got the table part ready, so it’s just a matter of getting it all set up and cosy looking. That might be a good thing to do with my day tomorrow, really. I think the Lawyers might have a bar stool I can use, and we’re cat sitting for them tomorrow, so that would be a good time to check it out. Also managed to hit up some thrift stores and found ourselves a nice three-cup tea pot for five bucks. Score!
Rest of my night was spent talking to my parents and making chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. They turned out pretty decent, but I wouldn’t call them stellar. Not sure what they’re missing to make them perfect, but they certainly are pretty tasty. It was good to talk to my parents, too. They’ll be visiting here next month and bringing me the sewing machine, and my mandolins! What luck! I had given up on the mandolins already, so that was fairly exciting news. The music room will be up and running in no time.
September 19th, 2008 | Tags: cookies, ennui, garden | Category: home | Comments Off