The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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Posts tagged cold


Yay, it’s election day tomorrow!

I didn’t get as much reading as I could done today, partially because Lewis and I spent the dinner and post-dinner hour going over all the state initiatives.  Some good stuff to vote on this year, and some not-so-great stuff to not vote for as well.  Here’s to hoping everything turns out!  I especially have my fingers crossed over props 4 and 8 (fingers crossed for denial, of course).  Quite looking forward to voting, at any rate!

Schooly stuff went alright today.  Mondays are supposed to be my easy days, but it was a bit of a slog anyway.  Had some late-breaking midterm snafus where it turns out we flubbed the answer key, though not from lack of knowledge so much as being rushed and not reading all the questions all the way through.  C’est la vie, though it makes us look like schmucks.  Had our weekly meeting as well instead of the Wednesday one, and it doesn’t look like we have anything scary on the horizon TAing-wise.  Get to do some neat phonetics this week, and phonology net week!  Yay!

In other news, it’s really cold today!  Davis-cold, I should qualify that, since it’s really only in the 60s. But it’s been raining and windy and our house gets real chilly when the sun isn’t out to warm it.  Our kitty spent all day wrapped up and sleeping in a blankie, and I really wanted to do the same.  In fact, that’s where I’m off to next!   What luck!

It’s fantastic to know that at the end of every day, I’ve always got a warm, blanket-covered bed to come home to.  Bed is the best place.