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An exercise in thoroughness

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Posts tagged biscuits

Weak To

I had a really liberating morning which lead me to a very envigorating afternoon.  Then some time after dinner I completely crashed into the state I’m in now of total blankness.  I think the culprit may have been the 40 pages of semantics reading I plowed through (and accidentally enjoyed).  Relief this morning was garnered by fixing my class schedule after confirming I could swap the over-my-head philosophy class with two units of research towards my first QP.  Woot to that.  Anyway.  Today was great. The weather was so nice I read outside for a while (my thermometer told me 75 degrees!) even though it drives my cat crazy when I sit right outside the window.  Lewis and I also succeeded in getting chairs for our office (our backs will thank us) and a stapler that’s capable of stapling realistically-sized papers.  Apparently regular staplers are only intended for undergraduate-level work.  The big term papers of graduate school make my old stapler cry.   Oh, also on the success-o-meter today, Lewis made the most delicious grapefruit and blue cheese salad, and I made biscuits to go with it.  Mm, salad and biscuits.   Oh yeah, and I had my first neuroimaging class, which was completely awesome.  I’m really glad I stuck that class out.  Our professor is hilarious and kept referring to nerdy stuff like the X-Men and the dangers of hidden piercings.  Yay for one of my out-on-a-limb classes working!