I had one of those days where I felt like I never really rose out of the bog and instead flailed around covered in swamp gunk all day. Actually I take that back – this evening has been very nice. I went to yoga (new instructor – decent!), came home, riled Lewis up for a walk to our local Sushi place, took another leisurely walk home, and then read an article I need to present to my lab’s reading group next week. I think I’ll go to bed soon, though it’s not quite even 10 yet, because I’m feeling quite finished.
Rest of my day was decent enough, besides feeling generally incompetant. I only have Lin 1 on Thursdays, which is both nice and somewhat aggrivating since I’ve got no other reason to be on campus, let alone awake so early. I came home from that and got all the rest of my grading done, which I probably spent longer on than I needed to. It’s amazing how well the kids are doing on the homeworks this week, since this is a part of the class kids usually don’t get very well. Something must be working!
Though I might fall asleep on the couch so instead I did a little more work on Lewis’ PJs. They’re coming together really surprisingly nicely, though every little thing is screwed up in one manner or another. It’s all a big learning process, so I’m not too concerned with these… I haven’t thought through constructing a shirt before, and I know lots of things I’ll do differently next time. However, I think the end result will be wearable (or at least I hope!) and if it keeps going like it has been so far, it will even be something to be proud of! Today I sewed the front panels to the back piece, and got the whole collar made (including fancy-pants piping!). Haven’t attached it yet, but I guess that’s off a few steps further. I’m getting a little nervous as we get closer to the sleeve parts, but I don’t know if in reality those are going to be any worse than anything else. But… circular! Does seem daunting.