The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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collocation or whatever

I don’t like how much I’m relying on lists these days.  But I’m just so busy, and so tired by the time I get to my poor blog!  With resignation, I give you today’s list:

  • Ling 1 this morning was very amusing!
  • Did some laundry in prep for the upcoming San Diego trip
  • Decided at the last moment to hit up the corpus linguistics group meeting
  • Ran out at the end to hit the gym – good yoga today, but fast and intense.  Chatted the teacher up after class and she was very nice.  Nicer than anticipated given her class demeanor!
  • Made it home just in time to meet Heather and Kevin for a dinner out to celebrate good news for them!
  • Got an email from research professor setting up my first fMRI shadowing adventure for next Tues.  I’m really excited!

I’m looking forward to my last day of classes here… but dang, it’s been a long week.  And it’s going to be a pretty crazy weekend.  Phew.

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