Semasiology, etc.
Another up-down-up-down kind of day. I guess I’m feeling up. I’m listening to Kinski. And I’m done with all my work.
Quechua went alright this morning, though I did discover when I got to campus that I had entirely forgotten my bike lock and thus had to run my bike to my office and the hoof it over to class pretty quickly. Boo. Luckily Lewis was coming to campus later and was able to drop my lock off with me before my neuroimaging class later. Said class was great as always. I’m always left feeling really inspired after that class, full of ideas I don’t know how to put into fruition. Sadly that didn’t transfer to the rest of my day, as I got home and became totally stuck in trying to get tiny things done and feeling like I was going nowhere. But to-do-list was cleared, I made dinner with actual vegetable matter in it, and really… what more can I ask for?