The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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Nadezhda na zavtra…

Lazy, lazy day.  Took a nap.  Did very little reading.  Did go to the one class I had, and made the photocopies I needed for the weekend.

I’m feeling rather nervous about a doctor’s appointment I have tomorrow.  Nothing but a routine check up, I just hate new doctors and all the rigamarole.  And I have a class off campus tomorrow morning that’s complicating matters a bit.  I decided that if I drove to that class, instead of biking, it might make me feel less stressed and pressed for time.  I can drive there, have a leisurely morning, not stress about the bike, then head home, bike to campus, and make it to my appointment without issue.   Or so I hope.  Sigh!

This is no time to stress.  I think I should go to bed!  I’ve got some Dostoyevsky waiting for me, and a big day tomorrow.  I do hope the doctor is not too icky!  :-\

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