The Laursonian Institute

The Laursonian Institute

An exercise in thoroughness

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Let It Snow

Coding, coding, recoding, analyzing, recoding, analyzing, recoding, analyzing, recoding….

Tomorrow I have a mini-presentation on what I’ve been up to all quarter.  It’s 15 minutes, and everyone is feeling vastly confused and underprepared for what’s going on.  I hate the idea that my job tomorrow is to stand up, blather for 15 minutes, prove I’ve been clicking on stuff, and fail to draw any useful conclusions.  But I guess that’s what this experimental business is about.  When you’ve only got a few weeks to whip something up, and your data is perpetually preliminary, there’s just not that much you can get all excited about.

The one thing I am pretty excited about?  Last presentation tomorrow.  Then it’s papers, papers, papers.

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