It’s Friday night. I’m watching a cute foreign movie with Lewis. I’m drinking champagne. And I’m feeling like the luckiest kid in town!
It’s been such a fantastic day. I had neuroimaging this morning, and it was really awkward – I was actually sort of nodding off during class. This hasn’t happened to me since I was a freshman, I think, and I normally really enjoy this class. I’m just getting tuckered out, I suppose. Anyway, came home and took a nap, and refreshed myself very well for the rest of my day, and it’s a good thing I did!
The only other thing I needed to do today (having slept through the Quechua talk I could have been at) was show up for this Language Group meeting at the Center for Mind and Brain. I was just invited to attend by another psycho/neruolinguist in our department, and they were having a little reading group today. I think normally they practice presentations in front of eachother and such. Anyway, it was nice, informative and pleasant.
The important part of this all is that a professor I’ve been trying to get in contact with from my department (who has been not returning my emails) was also there, and had sent me word through a student who works in his lab (who I have Quechua with) that I should drop by some time and that he wasn’t meaning to ignore me. Anyway, he told me to drop by his office after the talk, and we had the most amazing chat! I told him all the things I’ve been getting into, and the classes I’m taking, and the ideas I’ve been having for a thesis, and he was right there with me on all counts. He really likes what I want to do, and he’s sure that there’s ways to make it happen. He has extra funding in his name for some MRI studies which we might be able to use as a pilot study for my thesis (and maybe also my second QP?). Most of all, he seems to be really interested in letting me do the research I want to do, and providing me the support and guidance I need to do it. This was the huge thing that was missing from my grad school experience so far, an actual advisor-type who can oversee me in a functional useful way with resources and an interest in my project! I just about jumped out of my skin!
So I got a tour of his lab from my Quechua friend Michiq, and met the other folks who work with him. He wants me to sign up for 2 units worth of research to get my feet wet and make sure we’re all on the same page or whatever. I think I may be using some of these research units to read up on the literature in the field I’m trying to get in to, which he already seems to have a pretty good grasp of. This was what I wanted to spend my summer doing anyway, so a little directed reading is even better. It seems as though he’s also in contact with the as-yet-on-Sabbatical phonologist in the department, who is also interested in neuro work, so that looks to me like the beginning of a committee coming together, and the foundation for lots of good to come. So…. I went to an informal reading group, and came out with a lab job for next quarter, and the beginning of what I hope is my advisor-student relation. I never dreamed that would all go so smoothly!
After that I made Lewis take me out to my favorite Davis place (mmm, Greek pizza) and buy me a bottle of champagne. Life is so good! I hope I can keep my eye on getting through the end of this quarter before I spend all my time thinking about how sweet next quarter is going to be :)
March 6th, 2009 | Tags: advisor, champagne, cmb, excitement, future, neuro, optimism | Category: life, school | Comments Off