I keep thinking I’ll get back to posting tonight closer to bed time, then I screw around on the internet for ages and realize that I’m already tired and I really do intend to keep blogging nightly… so here I am, bleary-eyed and with nothing to say but “i did chores today”.
Which is true.
It’s acutally been rather productive today. This morning after breakfast I wrote up a huge list of stuff I want to get done in the near-ish future and completely covered our minuature white board. But I have made a little progress, and none of it is particularly critical. Just stuff I want to get done to feel like I’ve “finished” setting up the house. It’s crazy how much stuff there is to do when you have all this extra space and outdoors to take care of in addition to the regular gettin’ business done sort of stuff.
This morning I spent a while digging out mystery overgrown plants in one of our flower beds. I’d like to start planting soon, thinking that maybe it’s a good time to get stuff in before the winter, and before we can do that we need to dig up all the old crap that’s here and prepare our beds with something better than wood chips and dirt. Lewis got a compost bin for his birthday (from his parents!) which we’ll set up pretty soon and finally have something to do with our food scraps and lawn clippings and such. Anyway, it was rather gratifying working in this dirt this morning, and it’s looking a little better out there already.
I also put a little dent in the filing that needs to be done. We finally got ourselves (rescued from the Lawyers’ garage, at least) an honest-to-goodness filing cabinet and it’s high time I got all our disparate files in one place. It’s really oddly telescopic seeing your life through the lense of the paperwork you generate. Why do we have 15 different accounts in our “finance” section? What the hell has gone on that two kids can generate 15 different bank and credit accounts in this amount of time? It’s also really funny finding uber-important documents like your diploma right after you’ve spent the last few minutes deciding whether I need to keep set-up instructions to items I don’t even own any longer… Sadly, I only managed to put away the files that were already somewhat organized and still have all the more important, less sane papers scattered all over the desk to get through.
After a day like that, there was really nothing left we could do but forage in the fridge and watch the remaining two Monty Python episodes I haven’t seen in our collection. And of course, uploading pictures to the blog, and the aforementioned screwing around on the internet until I realize it’s already getting late. I’ve got orientation to start in a few days, here! This is no time to get in a stay-up-way-too-late-doing-nothing habit! Jeesh.
September 14th, 2008 | Tags: chores, garden, papers | Category: home, meta | Comments Off